CareZen Next Gen

Drum roll ... 🥁 CareZen will release the next gen CareZen Telehealth Pod model. Co-Designed with clinicians and consumers, the only telehealth pod built to National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards.

A safe, private, and soundproof space for a wheelchair and support person, a pram and a parent.. with a contemporary look and feel for your foyer, community centre, or department.

Completely modular that can be positioned anywhere, while maintaining the infection control and hygiene to NSQHS standards.

Latest touch screen technology to connect to a clinician, at the touch of an image, smart lighting, with Zen soundscapes and images for a calm and safe space to self regulate.

So exciting. It takes a community and the Australian Healthcare is so supportive. Thank you. 🙏


Our Deployable Virtual Units