We are connecting our community to care

Accessible Healthcare for everyone through state-of-the-art Telehealth Pods

It all begins with a patients choice to a safe, & private virtual consultation

Introducing the CareZen Health Pod: Telehealth Made Easy

Partnering with Modvale, a trusted Australian construction company, and Australian clinicians, CareZen have co-designed a state-of-the-art Health Pod. These versatile, safe & private modular spaces offer patients a hospital grade environment for confidential consultations via telehealth technology.

Our Vision: Connecting Communities Through Technology

CareZen envisions a future where healthcare is accessible to everyone. Our user-friendly Health Pods remove barriers, fostering a strong bond between clinicians and the communities they serve.

Co-Designed Telehealth Pods that best serve your community.

  • Constructed using premium materials and products off-site, our structures are swiftly and expertly installed & assembled on-site, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

  • Soundproofing materials guarantee that interactions between patients and medical professionals remain confidential.

  • To prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, all surfaces are treated with an anti-viral coating.

  • Various designs and sizes cater to a broad range of uses, allowing for easy integration of future technology.

  • Ventilation options that allow for standalone operation, or the ability to connect to hospital or building facility services and systems.

  • Duress alert systems and indicators to designate occupancy level and/or help requests.

  • Video and Teleconference facilities including world-leading software options allow patients to connect directly, privately and securely with health professionals.

  • A video-based non-invasive vital signs monitoring. BPM, HRV, RPM, Stress Index, Sp02

  • All health pods are manufactured according to Australian Healthcare Facilities Guidelines to meet Energy efficiency, Infection Control and Patient Safety standards.

Deliver quality care with lower wait times

CareZen Pods integrate into the emergency waiting room environment to your statewide virtual emergency service, reducing the wait times for the low acuity patients.

Virtual Units with Triage Kiosk

The CareZen Virtual Unit is modular and deployable, fitted with TGA-approved triage software to direct your patients to a virtual consult in the CareZen Health Pod, or appropriate pathway to care.

Enabling equity of access to Australian communities

No matter where patients are, we connect them with the virtual care they need.

We collaborate with health care partners to blend the physical and digital, taking our Healthcare system one step closer to a National Single Front Door.

A versatile tool to support your community

CareZen Health Pods enabling the community’s connection with healthcare.

Themed Campaigns

The Health Pod transforms to support different initiatives. During Mental Health Awareness Week, it can become an RUOK pod. Connecting the patient to a Mental Health specialist providing a safe and private space to reset and self-regulate.

Preventative Care

The Health Pod may provide information on self-care initiatives, offer the community healthy recipes, information on local walking groups, or details on Healthy Living programs.

Outpatient Follow-up

Regional patients virtual video consult back to their specialist in metro areas. Allied Health services can deliver virtual speech pathology consults, and psychology assessments virtually.

Disaster Relief

The Health Pod can also be deployed for virtual consultations during emergencies, ensuring accessible medical care.

The most adaptable and advanced Telehealth pod on the market

We use LED Technology to dynamically change the use of the Health Pods relevant to the community.

With its LED film, the Health Pod can transform to support different initiatives

Internally, the Health pods can provide a safe place for self-regulation, with soothing soundscapes, & images while your patients await their virtual consultation by touch screen technology.

We’re here to see you succeed

Our clinical education and engagement team is here to ensure your model of care is implemented for success.

Read the latest news from our team!

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